Henry Malone and William Daniel, a national Pakistani, began Gospel Missions Pakistan in 1976. The work has survived and prospered in spite of Satanic opposition, persecution, the untimely death of Dr. Daniel and the resulting financial need. Tens of thousands of people have come to know Jesus as Lord and Savior during these over 40 years. Henry, who has spent some time in Pakistan each year for many years, continues to serve as Apostolic Bishop overseeing the ministry. Gospel Missions Pakistan is headquartered in Sahiwal in Punjab province under the anointed and wise leadership of Abraham Daniel.

Gospel Missions Pakistan has churches and schools in various cities and villages, a National Evangelistic Team, children’s work, and women’s ministry. This is a front-line ministry with a proven record of years of faithfulness in proclaiming the Gospel in Pakistan. With a population of 175 million people, Pakistan is 97% Muslim. An Islamic state, created for the “glory of Allah” and governed by Islamic law, Pakistan has made converting Muslims a capital offense.

Dr. Malone has written a book, Pakistan: God’s Miracle Land, recounting the experiences of the early years in the establishing of Gospel Missions Pakistan. You may order it from Vision Life Ministries.


In addition to the ongoing ministry in Pakistan, each year Dr. Malone has participated in 2 to 3 equipping Pastors’ Conferences in third-world countries. These are held in areas where pastors and church leaders have limited opportunities for biblical and leadership training. Some of the recent conferences have been in Benin, Nigeria, Ukraine, Kenya, Uganda, Ivory Coast, Bolivia, Columbia and Burkina Faso.