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Personal Ministry Training Online will encourage, train, and equip those who desire wholeness in their own lives and/or desire to extend the Kingdom of God through ministering deliverance and inner healing. This training was developed by Dr. Henry Malone, author of Shadow Boxing. This training develops the strategy of the warrior and focuses on training for leading personal ministry sessions.

This will be a combination of prerecorded teaching sessions by Dr. Malone and weekly interactive live zoom classes led by instructors on Tuesday nights from 7-9 PM CST.

Prerequisites:  Freedom and Fullness seminar which can be done in person or by thumb drive and  a personal session.  If you have not completed these, please call the office before registering.

Choose to Pay the Full Amount ($299) or 3 Monthly Installments ($100 / month, call office to schedule).

Please register by August 28, 2024.

If you would like to pay in 3 monthly installments, please call the Vision Life office at 469-549-0730 to register.

Zoom Class Dates for Fall 2024:

September 3

September 10

September 17

September 24

October 1

October 8

October 15

October 22

October 29

November 5

November 12

November 19




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